Site construction madness

Thanks for your patience.

I’m tinkering, tweaking, and trifling with this new website. 

That’s just me. That’s always been my way. 

I fiddle with stuff. All the time. I can’t leave well enough alone. 

But this site’s coming together. And there will be regular postings here, I promise. Keep checking back. 

In the meantime, if you haven’t done so already, go grab yourself a copy of my new eBook, Fire-Up Your Cash Flow Over A Donut And Coffee — In 10 Minutes…Or Less! You’ll find it available from the sidebar. And it’s yours for free. One reader called it “an extremely helpful pep talk.” Another said I’m “one who bucks the mainstream, does so stylishly, and GETS AWAY WITH IT!” I like that! 

So check out the eBook. And I’ll see you guys again shortly.

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Site construction madness — 4 Comments

  1. Testing, testing. Does this work?

    Hey Wally! Looks good, although the other day on an impulse I said, “Huh. “” — I wonder what “” looks like. You had something set up with about five mostly blank pages, but it looked pretty cool. This looks a bit more contemporary, but one nice thing I miss is a quote you had on the front page; I can’t remember precisely what it was (Rothbard?) but I remember thinking, hey that’s a good thought.” Anyway, good luck with all of this!

  2. Warren, the quote was from Harry Browne’s book How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World. first published waaay back in the early 1970s. Maybe I’ll find a place for it somewhere on this new site.

  3. Hi Wally

    Your book was a great read.

    I’m tinkering, tweaking, and trifling with this new website.

    That’s just me. That’s always been my way.

    I fiddle with stuff. All the time.

    Don’t tell about I’m a guilty as you.
