Shaken, not stirred

My wife’s drink of choice has long been the Vesper martini — three measures of gin, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet liqueur (replacing the vermouth), shaken well until ice-cold, then served with a thin slice of lemon peel.

Me, I’m a simple scotch on the rocks guy, but Deb’s high-velocity beverage has always impressed me as very James Bond-like.

So last week, I was reading Ian Fleming’s very first 007 novel “Casino Royale” (1953) and came across this startling passage…

” ‘A dry martini,’ [Bond] said. ‘One. In a deep champagne goblet.’

” ‘Oui, monsieur.’

” ‘Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel. Got it?’

“ ‘Certainly, monsieur.’ The barman seemed pleased with the idea.

” ‘Gosh, that’s certainly a drink,’ said Leiter.

“Bond laughed. ‘When I’m…er…concentrating,’ he explained, ‘I never have more than one drink before dinner. But I do like that one to be large and very strong and very cold and very well-made. I hate small portions of anything, particularly when they taste bad. This drink’s my own invention. I’m going to patent it when I can think of a good name.’ “

Later in the novel, 007 names it the Vesper, after the first Bond girl, Vesper Lynd.

My wife’s favorite drink isn’t just Bond-like, it was invented by the great (fictional, I know) man himself!

I love making discoveries like that.

When it comes to launching your own business, though, the discovery process can be long and hard and frustrating.

Which makes the special report I recently hammered out for you particularly important.

In just 20 minutes, you can breeze through this report and discover 78 simple “hacks” to help you hit the ground running if you’re wanting to snap your chains of wage slavery.

You can download it here…

Split-Second Solopreneur

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