His mind’s controlled by ChapStick

Chapstick-OriginalWe stood outside a community auditorium for a half-hour yesterday afternoon, waiting to see a high school musical production of Footloose.

It was 97 degrees out there.

So what?

Well, in my perfect world, temperatures never vary much from 72 degrees. That’s why I’m so happy to live where I live on California’s central coast.

But yesterday, I was broiling in the too-damn-hot-for-me North County and very highly motivated to bust down the friggin’ door and maybe even stomp a few high school parents to get inside that auditorium and enjoy its air-conditioned goodness.

What motivates YOU?

My friend Scott Alexander, author of the Rhinoceros Success trilogy, wrote this a few years ago…

“… Now we are getting closer to the real secret of success — what will you put up with to get what you want?

“My addiction is ChapStick. I must have it with me at all times. If I find that I have forgotten to put my ChapStick in my pocket, I will go to great lengths to immediately get a fresh tube. My greatest fear is going to prison and being denied having ChapStick in my cell. What objectionable behavior would I engage in to get ChapStick? I don’t want to think about it!!

“Your goals have to carry at least as much weight as a coffee drinker for coffee. You have to be addicted to success. You don’t need to peruse a magazine for motivation. You know what you want. It is on your mind all the time. You crave it!! If you have to jump through hoops to get it, you get the hoops out and you jump! You will get it … no matter what.”

Two quick thoughts…

1. Scott’s absolutely right. For your goals to mean anything at all, you hafta be passionate about them. REALLY passionate. Like ChapStick passionate.

2. ChapStick, Scott? Sheesh!

If you’re not like Scott or me and aren’t tapped into your passion — or maybe you haven’t even identified it yet — you’ll probably want to visit here…


Just sayin’.

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