This is a black-and-white world, so deal with it

Right Decision, Wrong Decision Road SignOne of my favorite bedside books is called No Time for Tact: 365 Days of the Wit, Words, and Wisdom of Larry Winget.

The book’s kind of a “daily devotional” of great quotes by Winget, a guy you may have seen on a few of the business channels.

I just had to share today’s quote with you…

“We live in a black-and-white world. Stop buying the idea about life not being black or white. Things are either right or wrong, good or bad, black or white. Stop rationalizing your stupid behavior by putting it in that gray area.

“When confronted with a question they don’t want to answer, people always say, ‘That’s a gray area.’ There is no gray area. Begin to think in absolutes, and you will find that life is much easier. Making decisions is also much easier when you think in terms of absolutes. Your excuses won’t hold water either, which will move you toward success much faster.”

Effin brilliant.

I’ll add only one thought…

If you accept that we live in a black-and-white world and begin thinking in terms of absolutes, you’ll become very unpopular with friends, family, and many business associates — real fast!

But I’m as convinced as Winget is that you’ll also move much faster in the direction of success.

Here’s another booster shot to drive you in that direction…

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