Create a great business card

Your card, no matter your business, reflects you, represents your business, and serves as a major tool in your marketing arsenal. Don’t pay too little attention to designing a memorable business card.

If you’re in business for yourself, whatever that business is, you absolutely need business cards. There’s nothing more embarrassing than somebody asking for your card and you not having one immediately available. You might be kissing a potential $10,000 client goodbye. 

But even more important than having a card is having an unforgettable one, one that people will keep and not throw away. Here are five tips for creating a memorable business card. 

(1) Avoid printing your own business cards on your computer. 

Nothing says “fly-by-night” like a flimsy card that smears to the touch, or that can’t successfully survive a ride in someone’s wallet or purse. Have your card printed professionally on a good, quality cardstock. Many online companies can quickly produce a high-quality card for you, and at very little cost. 

(2) Use a font that is easy to read. 

Don’t get overly fancy. Shoot for “simple but classy.” And make sure the type sizes you use are big enough for people to read without squinting. 

(3) Use at least two colors of ink. 

This will make your card more appealing and eye-catching. 

(4) Use a catchy phrase of some sort. 

If your business name doesn’t fully broadcast what products or services you offer, let a phrase do that job for you. For example: “Let us be your primary source for marketing solutions!” or “Your good health is our number one priority!” 

(5) Use a personal photo. 

I don’t know about you, but my wallet is stuffed with cards I can’t remember being handed. Jill Chadwick? Who’s that? A photo is a good memory jogger. And it implies personal attention.

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