More of the same, but worse

gerald_celenteAs solopreneurs, we’re always advised to keep our attitudes up-tempo and positive. And that makes a lot a sense.

But it’s harder than hell to do.

For one thing, to effectively duck and dodge the shitstorms threatening our businesses, we’ve gotta know which way the winds are blowing.

So to THAT end, I’ve decided to share this podcast with you…

Don’t panic. It’s a shorty — just 20 minutes or so long. But trust me, listening to it will be time well spent.

The podcast is an interview with trend forecaster Gerald Celente, publisher of the Trends Journal. Over the years, he’s shared his research and predictions everywhere from “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” to “The Today Show,” to “NBC Nightly News,” and I think he’s trustworthy and spot-on.

Celente’s message right now — 2013’ll be “more of the same, but worse.”

OK, that sounds like bad news — and yeah, it really is — but listen to the whole interview. I think you’ll find Celente’s advice to entrepreneurs and “value producers” not only stimulating but kinda encouraging.

At the very least, you’ll get a better grip on where we’re headed, and how we can trim our sails and move forward.

Give Gerald Celente a quick listen.

Then take some action. A good start might be to visit…

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