Doberman Dan is pissed and unleashed

doberman-dan-2Direct marketing guy Doberman Dan Gallapoo took a break from “business as usual” on his podcast this week.

Normally, Dan’s hour is filled with why-to, how-to entrepreneurial business goodness, including guests and such.

Not this time ’round.

This week’s show is all Doberman Dan, fed up and with the gloves off.

The nitty-gritty biz stuff is pushed aside for the moment, but the hard questions are asked.

The biggest question: Are you willing and ready to take ownership of your shit?

If not, you’re not gonna succeed in business.

And you’re sure not gonna comfortably survive the next few years.

I suggest you listen to this podcast episode (which doesn’t cost you anything but an hour or so of your time).

You’ll probably hear some things you won’t be happy to hear.

But hey, grow a pair.

You’ll be better for it.

P.S. The language on the podcast is explicit at times. Just sayin’.

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