Fifty Shades of Really Oldass Cheese

cheese_FotorWhen Deb and I can’t agree on what exactly we wanna eat for dinner, our fallback position is usually a plate of cheese and crackers.

Nothing too fancy.

Deb’s tastes tend toward goat cheese and Swiss and Havarti. My favorites are “runny” cheeses like Brie and Camembert — the older, the better.

Which brings me to recent news that scientists digging around China’s Taklamakan Desert discovered REALLY old cheese that dates back as far as 1615 BC. Do the math. Yeah, before Jesus.

The cheese was found on the necks and chests of ancient mummies, preserved by dry desert air and salty soil, not to mention crazyass Bronze Age burial techniques.

Now here’s what I find MOST interesting…

This discovery of the oldest cheese in the world was made waaaaay back in the 1930s, some 80 years ago. But it seems they only just now got around to figgering out how old it is.

I guess the cheese was so old already, they decided there was no rush.

Me? I would’ve got cranking a LOT faster, put a date on the damn stuff, and taken credit for making the record-breaking cheese discovery.

But that’s just me.

Faster is usually better.

If an idea or opportunity strikes, it’s best to act quickly. If you don’t, you run the risk of that idea or opportunity getting old, stale, and stinky.

Just like cheese in a Chinese desert.

Now here’s an idea so simple, you can act on it profitably right now…

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