Cajun Secret Electrifies Customers and Assures More Referrals and Greater Profits

I was on the phone last week, ordering some doohickey from a mail order catalog.

“Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery,” the operator told me. “Will that be a problem?”

“Not at all,” I said.

Three days later, the item was at my front door.

I was thrilled.

It didn’t matter that I didn’t really need the thing right away.

It didn’t matter that it was really kind of, well, boring.

If the thingamabob had turned out to be garbage, it wouldn’t have mattered at that moment.

I was delighted because my expectation had been delivery in 4 to 6 weeks. And the order was on my front porch in just three days.

Here’s what had me yammering about the experience to my neighbors:

The company had under-promised…and over-delivered.

How often does THAT happen?

Not often enough.

But you run into this all the time in Louisiana. Order a dozen oysters at a New Orleans restaurant, and they’ll give you 15. Buy a bundle of cigars at a tobacco shop and they’ll unexpectedly throw in a clipper.

On the Gulf Coast, they call this business practice lagniappe (translated from the Cajun French, “a little extra”).

But too often in business, we get less than expected.

Sometimes, a LOT less.

Like the time I ordered that cutting-edge, time-saving, multi-task kitchen appliance from the infomercial, and it turned out to be just an over-hyped coffee grinder.

Or when I bought a movie on DVD and discovered that its advertised “exciting bonus features” were only promotional trailers for other movies.

So here’s the deal…

Always under-promise and over-deliver.

Practice lagniappe. Always give a little extra.

But don’t tell ’em you’re gonna do it.

Just do it!

This principle will produce more happy repeat customers, business referrals, and wealth than you can imagine.

But let me suggest that lagniappe can be applied to all relationships — husband and wife, parent and child, friend and friend, employee and employer — with equally tremendous results.

If you want to find more savvy business advice, and plenty of how-to lessons, mosey on over to…

I hope you don’t mind, but if you click on the link and buy the product described, I will receive a referral commission. And you’ll have my undying gratitude!

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Cajun Secret Electrifies Customers and Assures More Referrals and Greater Profits — 2 Comments

  1. I have to take issue with calling this a Cajun secret. Lagniappe was “imported” from Spanish ñapa or yapa, and that came from the Quechua indians of the Andes. It is quite common in Spanish-speaking South American countries to give something “de yapa” (as a bonus). See