What I Did When the Lights Went Out

When Deb and I got home from dinner last night, the lights were out.

Not just our lights. The whole friggin’ neighborhood was in blackout mode.

Seems a transformer directly across the street blew a gasket, or whatever it is they blow.

So we broke out the candles and flashlights.

Would’ve been romantic if not for the beeping trucks, clanking crane, and maintenance crew chatter in front of the house ’til 3:30 in the morning, when things finally powered up again.

Anyway, thanks to being prepared for such “emergencies,” we weren’t too frazzled by our power outage.

As Cervantes wrote, being prepared is half the victory.

How prepared are you for periods of financial challenge?

A subscriber named Joe wrote me last week:

“Today I was blessed in a similar way as you when you lost your longtime corporate job. I never imagined it would end this way, but I’ll make the best of it.”

Joe sounds surprised by the timing of his “job crisis,” but it seems he was mentally prepared for it.

Some folks I know think keeping a resume updated is good enough insurance against unexpected joblessness.

Not me.

Here’s a better idea: start generating extra income — if only a few hundred bucks a month — with a small side business.

Make yourself a problem-spotter and problem-solver. Then get paid for it.

You can probably accomplish that by investing just a few hours a week.

If you haven’t read my free book Fire-Up Your Cash Flow, or haven’t read it in awhile, you might wanna take a look. I describe a foolproof plan in there.

You can get your hands on a copy right there in the sidebar on your right.

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