Show Me The Kryptonite!

When I was a kid, I was always really impressed when Superman stopped a speeding car with his bare hands or smashed asteroids with his fists.

But I appreciated Superman a lot more when I discovered he had weaknesses to overcome, like kryptonite, and keeping his job, and his infatuation for Lois Lane.

His frailties made him, well, more human.

Isn’t that how we like our fictional heroes, whether they’re “super” or not?

Think about it.

Spider-Man is cool and does a righteous job clobbering bad guys. But we care about him because he has trouble balancing web-slinging against keeping up his grades and tending to his sickly Aunt May.

Sherlock Holmes is a mystery-solving genius. But we feel closer to him because he struggles with zero social skills and a fondness for illegal meds.

Iron Man is a one-man army who blows up terrorist hidey-holes with rockets that fire outta his shoulders. But we feel for him because the only thing keeping him alive is an offbeat double-A battery in his chest. (And face it, the guy’s got daddy issues and a drinking problem, too.)

You see, we like and trust these heroes because they seem authentic and real.

Imagine how much more your prospects, customers, or clients would like and trust you (and do business with you) if you were genuine with them. If you acted more, uh, like yourself.

No, you don’t have to expose your whole life for the world to see.

But let people know a little more about you and a little less about your products and services. Let them see you for who you really are.

They’ll appreciate you more. And think about you more often.

Which means they’ll not only do more business with you, they’ll probably refer their friends to you when they get a chance.

P.S. Your authenticity and personality are just two of 16 things you should reveal more often to your customers. You can find the remaining 14 right here.

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Show Me The Kryptonite! — 3 Comments

  1. wally… amen. that was a super hero blog, on your part for me…..
    i love it when people come to see my gallery and perhaps shop, and im in a mess up to my ears with a project, right now gardening stuff, and we walk in the house and of course the house is a MESS… a pup doesnt help toys alllll over, and usually paper work on the table, and trail of wood chips from gallery to the door or KITCHEN, and bath room , coffee does that to u too! 🙂 any how i usually get a warm smile and they say it feels like home…. tee hee, i ve only had one women in my home who took one look at me and i could tell she instantly thought i was somthing she didnt want to be near… or somthing like that any how… long story short i let her know i couldnt do the carving she would have liked me to do in 2 weeks, just before christmas, so it wasnt my loss when i didnt get the job… i have a hard time w/ folks who think their shit dont stink…. even super man had to poo… 🙂 love u rhino buddy forever 🙂 L.

  2. Pingback: Kryptonite York | Oxide Bike

  3. wally… amen. that was a super hero blog, on your part for me…..i love it when people come to see my gallery and perhaps shop, and im in a mess up to my ears with a project, right now gardening stuff, and we walk in the house and of course the house is a MESS… a pup doesnt help toys alllll over, and usually paper work on the table, and trail of wood chips from gallery to the door or KITCHEN, and bath room , coffee does that to u too! any how i usually get a warm smile and they say it feels like home…. tee hee, i ve only had one women in my home who took one look at me and i could tell she instantly thought i was somthing she didnt want to be near… or somthing like that any how… long story short i let her know i couldnt do the carving she would have liked me to do in 2 weeks, just before christmas, so it wasnt my loss when i didnt get the job… i have a hard time w/ folks who think their shit dont stink…. even super man had to poo… love u rhino buddy forever L.