101 ways to cash in on the end of summer

end-summer-5681856-700x325Somebody offered up a list online this morning of 10 reasons they’re happy to see an end to summer.

Their reasons ranged from “no more unbearable heat,” to avoiding “the tyranny of expensive iced coffee,” to (and this one I really relate to) the fact that “public places will no longer be dominated by children.”

Here on California’s central coast, one thing a lot of us like about summer going bye-bye is the temporary end of tourism, bustling crowds, and bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Of course, that’s a mixed blessing.

Sure, we locals won’t have to wait 45 minutes for a table anymore, but the restaurant owners will suffer from a massive drop in business.

Sure, I don’t have to listen to the annoying roar of ATVs in the nearby dunes, but the rental guys are gonna get kicked in the teeth for the next few months.

In a beach community like ours, a lotta business really goes to the dogs off-season.

But it can soar if you’re in the business of helping other businesses during trying financial times.

Whenever you hear a business owner bellyache that her numbers are down, you can make some pretty good moolah by providing a simple tweak here or there to her advertising or overall marketing strategy.

(You know, the odds are that she doesn’t even HAVE a marketing strategy. Most small businesses don’t.)

“But, Wally,” I hear you moan, “I don’t have a handy bag of marketing ‘tweaks’ to offer anyone!”

Now you do.

In fact, here are 101 of ’em…


Hell, maybe you can apply a couple of them to growing your OWN business!

Go for it.

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