Two ne’er-do-wells, one mic, and solid advice

Occasionally, you get gut-punched so badly that it takes a good long while to get your wind back.

I took a hit last Friday when I learned that my dear, longtime friend Ed Ritchie had died the night before.

I knew Ed for some 30 years.

First, we were business associates. Then, we became friends who shared dreams, goals, meals, girly drinks, and cigars together.

Ed and I learned from each other, and we knew our strengths and weaknesses well enough to regularly call for advice and encouragement.

Last March, Ed was diagnosed with cancer. After a valiant fight, he succumbed to the goddamn monster last Thursday.

In memory of Ed, I’m offering this link to an absolutely free recording of the two of us talking many years ago about a formula we both used to support jobless lifestyles.

You see, one day, we’d sat in front of a tiny Sony tape recorder in Los Angeles to discuss the money-making methods that we then used to finance and maintain jobless — some might say “ne’er-do-well” — lifestyles. We discussed…

Why you should NEVER rely on a single source of income…especially a job.

How to take stock of your hidden assets to launch multiple revenue streams.

How to guarantee you get paid what you’re really worth.

How to make your “work” the next best thing to loafing and taking the day off.

Plus lots of other stuff.

We briefly sold the resulting 60-minute tape — titled “Multi-Track Earning Secrets” — at a few workshops. Then the workshops ended, we both forgot about the recording, and when I rediscovered it much later, I offered it free at this webpage…

Warning: I believe the info is still spot-on, but our references to things like VCR’s and Windows 95 are, well, embarrassingly dated.

Anyway, go ahead and give it a listen.

Won’t cost you anything.

This recording reminds me of some great days with my good pal Ed Ritchie.

I hope you find value in it.

Miss you, Ed!

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